
Archive for the ‘A-Z UK Handsets’ Category

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

As UK3 Mobile predicted, the wait is now over for the Iphone 6! This year, the anticipation for the release of Apples next generation technology was fever pitched! Even more so than previous years, the Apple fans had already started queuing up outside of Apple stores 10 days before the Apple devices had even been announced! […]

Read all about the UK3 Mobile iPhone 6...

iPhone 5S UK Mobile Carriers

The UK version of the iPhone 5s is a touchscreen-based smartphone developed by Apple Inc. It is the seventh generation of the iPhone to sell in the UK and succeeds the iPhone 5. Apple formally introduced the phone in China along with its lower-end counterpart, the iPhone 5c on September 10, 2013, and the phone […]


Samsung Galaxy S4 UK Mobile

In the UK Samsung prides itself in the difference their AMOLED screen technology brings to its high-end UK mobile handsets, and it has indeed achieved the unimaginable with the Galaxy S4 this time around – a five-inch panel with the amazing for OLED screen 441ppi pixel density. Not only that, but it debuts in the […]


Blackberry Q10 Z10 UK Mobile

The UK rollout of the Blackberry phones has been a major success. The UK has always been a very strong market for the physical keyboard phones.  BlackBerry pushed out the touch-screen Z10 first, even though its fans valued BlackBerry for the keyboard. The Z10 rolled out in March in the U.K. The Z10 is now available […]